Salary Certificate Format

A salary certificate format highlights critical information about an employee. It is a legal format and can be used as evidence in any court of law. A salary certificate confirms the employment relationship with the company. An employee can bring this document as a source of income. Base on this letter, employees can open bank accounts and can avail different financial programs from financial institutions. Salary certificates are prepared by human resource department of organizations and these certificates are prepared for employees. Some basic information about an employee is mentioned on salary certificate and employees can use them for multiple…

Risk Management Plan Template

Mitigation risk factors is the primary duty of every business owner and he/she can use our created risk management plan template. A risk management plan is basically used to mitigate risk elements which an organization might face in the future. It safeguards a business from causing loss from a risk element which can be mitigated easily. This plan defines new roles and obligations for those employees who are mainly working in the risk department. There are certain plans available on the internet that guide you on how to mitigate risk factors, but the risk management plan is widely accepted as…

Rent Receipt Template

A rent receipt template is legal proof of rental payment which is received by a homeowner from a tenant on a periodic basis as per property agreement. It provides necessary information about rental transactions against fixed house rental, payment methods, and any pending balance which is still left to pay. It is the most convenient and easy way to keep track of rent paid to the house owner. The receipt is legally binding in court and can be produced in court for rent dispute settlement. Since it is important for both the renter and the house owner to keep the…

Reference List Template

A reference list template is our created high quality word template that we created to help marketing personnel. Marketing job is a very tough job requires a marketer to create as many references as one could. We want our users to do their job, and we shall take care of rest process. To act upon our mission, we are presenting our reference list template. It is a free template and you don’t need to pay or get register. Reference list is a simple list just having names and addresses of individuals whose names are given as references for any purpose.…

Recipe Card Template

A recipe card template is a single sheet template that can be used as many times as you can. Further, you can add different other recipes with our recipe card template. You can make your own book by adding different recipes. Save your recipes with our recipe card template and enjoy a variety of different foods. Recipe card is a simple card that is used by chefs and cooks in restaurants. Important information about a dish and recipe is given on this card and it makes the chefs convenient in preparation of a dish in the restaurant or any TV…

Rate Sheet Template

A rate sheet template is a sheet that is used to compare the rates of product of different companies. It helps users to create and manage their own rate sheets. Mostly, it is updated at a regular interval, like during a day or week. A rate sheet also helps users when they wish to change the rate of the products or services which are mentioned on it. Therefore, a format which can easily be edited is always the requirement of the users. Therefore, to provide further ease in working, we are presenting our professional rate sheet template. This rate sheet…

Price List Template

A price list template is one of the important business documents and is prepared by suppliers and vendors. It is a simple list containing detailed charges for the products and services of a business. As a price list is a commercial document and prepared for the convenience of customers, so it must be created in a more concise and professional way. It can be designed in different formats. If you are looking for preparing a well-drafted price list for your business, you can use this list, that is surely an easy way to design a price list. With help of…

Personal Development Plan Template

A personal development plan template is a like a guiding plan that one creates to highlight key areas where, through proper focus, a specific set of goals can be attained. A personal development plan is used to eliminate the areas where you are lacking. So, before you develop your plan, we shall recommend you to view our created personal development plan template. Our template is full of high quality content that you would like to see in your plan. The personal development planner can further be edited and can be used for your next plan. Importance of a Personal Development…

Pay Slip Template

The pay slip template is an employment document that is really necessary for an employee in order to know about his/her deductions and allowances in his/her salary. It is not only for the convenience of employee but also for the employer as it eases his/her work. If you want to design a pay slip template for employees according to the standard format, you can download our provided pay slip formats. These formats are prepared, keeping in view the requirements, so that you can prepare your own format without any tension. We are presenting our free pay slip template that is…

Free Payroll Template

The payroll system of any organization demands you to keep copies of every printed sheet by using a free payroll template. The printed forms can be a payroll sheet, payroll slip or any other related document. A payroll template is a specific template used to generate sheets, and we feel enormously proud of presenting our created payroll template which has state-of-the-art content. You will appreciate our efforts after viewing our payroll template. It would be better to view its preview first and then look at your requirements. Once you are clear about your needs and requirements for this payroll format, you…