A sales contract template is an assisting tool which can be used to prepare a professional sales contract. Before preparing this contract, the user must understand that it should be simple, clear and equipped with comprehensive details and must be free from technical terms and jargons. Once you are clear about the format and content of this contract, it would be wise to get it checked by a legal attorney and signed by both buyer and seller. Being the owner of a small business, there is a possibility that you have to write a sales contract for the sale transaction to cover future conflicts regarding delivery or payment of goods. There is another way to hire an attorney to prepare this contract for you but you can also write it your own.
Guide to Prepare A Sales Contract
Here you are provided by an easy step by step guide to write a sales contract:
1- Get information about the parties involved to contract whether these involved parties may be individuals or business entities. You need to write legal names of the seller and the buyer with complete information including their phone numbers and email addresses. Mailing address is necessary to be noted because you will need to send copies of contract of sale to sellers and buyers.
2- Provide necessary information about goods provided or services rendered. Include names of goods or services, their quantity and prices at which sale was made. This is important for the buyer to know what he can expect on sale. If several goods are being sold to one person, make sure to provide information about all products with description and prices. You can also include picture of product in contract of sale if necessary.
3- Identify method of payment in clear manners. This part of contract of sales is very important for both seller and buyer. If the buyer is not paying for cash, you will need to mention different terms like interest on payment, way of payment. All methods of payments must be discussed with buyer and seller beforehand to prevent surprise to both of parties. This part of contract of sale will also help accountants in making entries.
4- Provide clear information about delivery of goods. If it is not possible to handout goods directly to buyer, the contract must specify how goods will be delivered. Information about rendering services will also be specified in contract of sale either services have been rendered or are to be rendered on some future date. Date of delivery of goods or services will also be mentioned in this section of template.
5- Give information about disclaimers or warranties. Most people come with warranty protection. It must be stated in contract of sale to make the buyer known how he can return defective goods or get items serviced. Basically this section of contract of sale is to protect rights of buyer and state obligations of seller.
6- Make sure to state circumstances when refunding or exchange of goods will take place. Provide information about time period for which this option will be exercised.
Templates of Sales Contract