Credit invoice template is just a simple invoice that has been mostly used by financial organizations including financial banks and others. Credit invoice contains some particular information including company name with logo, invoice no, date, product description or transaction for which invoice is being prepared and signature of accounts manager. A credit invoice state as a certain invoice that a customer receive from the supplier which is proceeded as a bill of all the exchange payments, although such a one invoice represents as an amount of credit that a supplier owes to the customer. Typically, these credit invoices are exceptionally made when a customer has returned something due to following reasons;
• Unsatisfied from the services’ provider by supplier
• Whenever customer has return some unused products
Nonetheless a compact credit invoice represents as a quantity credit or a price reduction by the seller because every time when customer return something due to following reason which I mentioned on above points the seller extensively reduce some amount of money from the actual money paid by customer on the early time of purchase. Ostensibly, this only occur when customer consciously or most likely sub-consciously reduce the value of inventory.
However, here’s one other possibility which extensively face by both supplier and customer when the supplier itself made few of mistakes during the process of invoicing. Obliviously this time it’s a full mistake of supplier so in this case supplier will not reduce the amount as he was reducing on other reasons. Thus, in this scenario a credit invoice also known as a credit memo whereas both types of commercial recipients partially or fully reverse of an original invoice. Companies and business bodies from all over the globe use professional programs to obtain a credit invoice; perhaps 1st time when a vendor issues a credit invoice the credit invoicing program assigns it a unique credit invoice number. Other than that when a customer returns the signed credit invoice which he/she got during the time of purchase now for sure the system will assign it again as a reverse credit invoice receipt number. To all appearance the credit invoice may contains the following information, for instance; due date of the credit invoice, gross amount of invoice, amount of credit invoice, installment number of credit invoice, issue date of the credit invoice, an internal credit invoice number, items description, and other relevant information.
You can perfectly draft a credit invoice template for your company uses by taking assistance from credit invoice template designed by us. Credit invoice template has been created in MS Word 2007 and is very easy to edit. Click on downloading link to access credit invoice template. A picture preview of credit invoice template has also been inserted here.