Marriage Certificate Template

A marriage certificate template is used to create legal and professional marriage certificates. This certificate confirms that two people got married and can live together for the rest of their lives. In other words, we can say that it is an official announcement that certified the couple is now a husband and a wife. A certificate of marriage is signed by the couple with the presence of witnesses. Once it is signed and attested, it is sent to the government department where it is printed and delivered to the couple in a few weeks after the wedding. However, just getting a marriage certificate doesn’t mean that the couple is very happy and living a good life.

Importance of Marriage Certificate:

If you wish to take care of all your legal matters with ease, especially those matters which belong to the marriage, then you should have to do things in a specialized manner, with the highest integrity and the approach of a legal consultant. Normally, a marriage certificate is defined as a legitimate statement that ensures two people are now bound in the lifetime relationship of marriage. Moreover, it is always issued by the supreme authority of court or government officials who verify that the registration of marriage is taking place by the couple.

Benefits of Marriage Certificate:

The marriage certificate provides countless benefits, not only for the couple but also for the government. Primarily, this certificate confirms matrimony. Being a legal document, it has access to legally advocate the marriage. Moreover, it is helpful for many legal aspects, like filing returns, purchasing a property and requesting maternity leave. Going further, a married couple can get the benefits of social security services from the government. Well, it is crucial for getting the benefits at a time when a husband or a wife needs medical attention. Most medical centers and hospitals require social security cards which cannot be issued without presenting a marriage certificate. Moving further, the couple can also get the benefits of insurance policies and several other benefits. For instance, housing benefits, unemployed family benefits, death allowance, and kids’ education allowance.

Templates for Marriage Certificate:

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Marriage Certificate templateDownload
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