Bona fide certificate templates are academic certificates which indicate and reveal that the individual belongs to the specific education institute. Generally, the certificate is used to signify the place where you have studied or continuity of residence, and it is also known as the residence certificate of a person. The certificate is the evidence that you are a student and also contains some basic information about you such as institution name, course, date of born, father name and individual name. These certificates are issued by an official that has been authorized by the government.
Importance of Bona Fide Certificate
A bona fide certificate also ensures the identity of the concerned individual by issuing organization. Usually, it is a type of guarantee that the individual is acknowledged and belongs to the organization. There are circumstances when an organization consists of numerous employees, and these certificates play a vital role in ensuring the salary payments to the employees. There are several situations when a person needs a bona fide certificate for the sake of work done. In the situation when you use an institute’s identification card as evidence for your passport application, then he/she will need a bona fide certificate from their college or school stating that you are a student of the institute.